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Illustrated guide to getting to know shrubs and vines

New book by Jaume Llistosella and Antoni Sànchez-Cuxart.

This guide presents a total of 264 shrubs and vines, the vast majority of which grow spontaneously in the plains and mountains of our country and which are planted as ornamentals in gardens, streets and squares of towns and cities. The book offers a brief introduction that exposes the morphological diversity of shrubs and vines and botanical terminology, some keys illustrated with the main differentiating features (leaves, flowers and fruits) of each species to identify it. with the scientific name and popular names of each shrub and liana in several languages, as well as a detailed description indicating the time of flowering, the environment in which it lives and the region of origin, in addition to the uses, the similarities and some curiosity. The extraordinary images of branches, leaves, flowers and fruits provide the reader with the definitive information to recognize each plant. The volume also includes a glossary and indexes of scientific names and popular names in Catalan.

UB Publications (http://www.publications.ub.edu/ficha.aspx?cod=11511).