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Jofre Carnicer, ICREA Acadèmia 2024

The ICREA Acadèmia 2024 program has distinguished the scientific career of Dr. Jofre Carnicer, researcher at the Institute for Research in Biodiversity (IRBio), attached to the Ecological Research and Forestry Applications Center (CREAF) professor of Ecology at the University of Barcelona (UB) and author of the IPCC since 2018.
The ICREA Acadèmia program thus contributes to intensifying the research carried out by university professors who are in a fully active and expansive phase of their research careers. The winners receive a grant to conduct research over a period of five years.
Scientific career
Dr. Jofre Carnicer's research analyzes how climate change affects Mediterranean ecosystems, with a special focus on the response of forests and plant-animal interactions. As an author of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), he has contributed to the 6th Assessment Report published in 2022 (Working Group II), which examines the effects of climate change on a global scale, environmental and social risks, and sustainable adaptation pathways.
He is currently the principal investigator of the ECO-FUN (Functional responses of forests under climate pressure) and MICROCLIM (Microclimatic variability and carbon sinks) projects. He has also recently led the REGIME-SHIFTS (Drought regime shifts and global warming: impacts, mechanisms, forecasts and mitigation strategies) project, focused on the study of drought regime shifts and global warming.
As a teacher, he teaches ecology classes at the UB in key fields such as climate change, critical transitions in ecosystems and society, protected area management, conservation biology and sustainable development. In addition, he is part of the Teaching Innovation Group in Ecology and Global Change (GIDEC).
The ICREA Acadèmia recognition will allow Dr. Carnicer to deepen his research and consolidate his commitment to the fight against climate change, contributing with scientific evidence that guides actions for the conservation and adaptation of Mediterranean ecosystems in a scenario of accelerated global warming.