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New project for the divulgation of potential invasive species in Barcelona

This summer 2021 we received funding for developing a divulgation project about the exotic and potentially invasive plant species in Barcelona. This project is entitled “Act on time: potentially invasive species in the city of Barcelona / Actuem a temps: espècies susceptibles a ser invasores a la ciutat de Barcelona” and has been funded by the Barcelona City Council.

The main objective of this project is to quantify and divulgate about the threat that potentially invasive species suppose to the quality of the green infrastructure of Barcelona. Under this aim we have firstly determined the top 10 most potentially dangerous plant species already found in the city considering its inclusion in the list of potentially invasive species in Spain, its extension and described impacts in other regions of the world. 

Those ten potentially invasive species in the city of Barcelona include herbs, shrubs and trees widely used as ornamental plants that should be substituted by other alternatives. Moreover, we are visiting schools and high schools to explain the threat that invasive species suppose to global biodiversity and to divulgate the list of 10 potentially invasive species in Barcelona proposting other alternatives. We have created multiple divulgation materials and workshops for children and teenagers but also for the general audience to know those species and learn more about their impacts.

Multiple members of the ANTIOX-Ecophys grup take part of this project, counting on the long research team experience in invasive plants research through different research lines (i.e. Physiology of invasive plants, ecological modelling of invasive plants).

Visit our project’s web to find more information: www.actuematemps.barcelona, and take a look on our promotional video:
