II Web Seminar of the Catalan Journal of Pedagogy: Mindfulness and education

The Catalan Journal of Pedagogy (Revista Catalana de Pedagogia) organizes the II Web Seminar “Mindfulness and education” by Ruth Vilà, Marisol Camps, Alba Tornero and Claudia Cortés.

  • Date: 5th of april of 2022
  • Time: 18h-19h
  • Registration: sending a message to scp@iec.cat

The practice of mindfulness constitutes a powerful educational tool for the teaching task. In a society in which values ​​such as immediacy, multifunctionality and information overload prevail, it is important to strive for countries that allow cultivating attentional capacity, emotional calm, awareness and the care of others with a «conscious learning», stimulating and proactive. The experiences in the educational area show that it is an ability that is able to learn and develop by mitigating the exercise and training of our attention control, focusing on an object, sensations, parts of things, observing our thoughts and records. Pedagogically and methodologically, it allows the creation of new learning situations in which strategies such as games, psychomotor exercises, the sense of humor, tales, music, theater and other artistic languages, allow exploration and experimentation from their own perspective. Amb aquest plantejament, the Catalan Journal of Pedagogy invites us to the web seminar conformed by two of their darrers articles:

Camps, M., Sandín, M. P. i Amutio, A. (2021). Intervenció basada en mindfulness per a la millora de les conductes problemàtiques en l’alumnat amb necessitats educatives especials. Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, 20, 3-25. https://doi.org/10.2436/20.3007.01.162

Marín, D., Cortés, C. i Tornero, A. (2021). Beneficis de la musicoteràpia en alumnes amb TDAH. Una revisió bibliogràfica. Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, 20, 57-77. https://doi.org/10.2436/20.3007.01.165