Cycle of conferences “Uses, possibilities and limits of information and communication technologies”

The cycle of conferences offers a broad and critical look at the incorporation of technology in the practice of education and social action professionals.

It is an opportunity to become aware of the changes, opportunities and limits that the incorporation of the digital layer in our lives (leisure, work, studies…) entails from various approaches, which focus on: the challenges for the construction of identities in the digital society; the reality of training (teaching-learning) in the 21st century (characterised by constant connection), as well as the capacity for intervention to contribute to the construction of a new social model, often promoted from spaces outside the administrations.

Organised around the subject “Uses, possibilities and limits of information and communication technologies”, of the Degree in Social Education of the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona, it is open to the entire educational community and the general public.


1. 04/11/2022  (matí i tarda: 8.30-10.30 h, 15.30-17.30 h) Diego Calderón, Professor UB
Conference: The manipulative power of music in the audiovisual arts
Place: UB – Mundet. Saló de Graus Educació (Edifici Migdia)

2. 09/11/2022 (8.30-10.30 h) Anna Martínez, directora de la Fundació Salut Alta
Conference: Experiences in the creation and production of RDP with adolescents at risk of exclusion

Place: UB – Mundet. Sala Margarita Comas

3. 11/11/2022  (matí i tarda: 8.30-10.30 h, 15.30-17.30 h) Raquel Miño, Professora UB
Conference: Educational practices to transform and connect schools and communities

Place: UB – Mundet. Saló de Graus Educació (Edifici Migdia)

4. 23/11/2022 (matí i tarda: 8.30-10.30 h, 15.30-17.30 h) David Jacovkis, membre de la cooperativa fenProcomuns: Eina social estratègica per fer viable l’activitat procomuna
Conference: Technological sovereignty, a tool for social change
Place: UB – Mundet. Saló de Graus Educació (Edifici Migdia)

5. 25/11/2022 (8.30-10.30 h) Elisabet Boo i Elisenda Sancenón, educadores del Departament de Justícia de la Generalitat de Catalunya 
Conference: Digital literacy and ICT uses in the penitentiary field

Place: UB – Mundet. Edifici Teatre

6. 25/11/2022 (matí i tarda: 8.30-10.30 h, 15.30-17.30 h) Miquel Guri, cofundador de TheLoveComes i Uchange
Conference: Marketing and ICT with social awareness

Place: UB – Mundet. Saló de Graus Educació (Edifici Migdia)

No prior registration is required.


Teaching team promoting the cycle: Marc Fuertes, Núria Molas, Judith Jacovkis, Ezequiel Passeron, Pablo Rivera, Carles Lindín.

The cycle is developed with the collaboration/sponsorship of the Faculty of Education.

Line: “XVI Call for grants for the organization of academic, cultural and university extension activities – 2022/23”.