IV Seminary Website of the Catalan Journal of Pedagogy: “Pedagogy and ethics, barometer in times of crisis”

The Catalan Journal of Pedagogy organizes the IV Seminary, “Pedagogy and ethics, barometer in times of crisis” by Ruth Vilà, Melissa Schmidlin, Omaira Beltrán, Sara Colorado and Xavier Martín-Rubió. To attend, you must sign up beforehand.

This seminar is intended to echo the ethical principles that float in a time of crisis such as this. From a pedagogical point of view, ethics requires a practice of life forms, which is carried out in different areas of society. It seems to be typical of times of global crisis to prioritise particular interests over collective or global interests. The current planetary situation once again highlights this tendency of humanity. However, the evolution of human knowledge and expertise can be directed towards greater ethical awareness. This monograph seeks to gather pedagogical reflection through research or experience that reveals this evolution in the ethical field, opting to rescue contributions that reveal new ways of acting and that propose ethical principles over economic ones, global and planetary sustainability over individualistic interests, social justice over polarised attitudes in decision-making, from the micro to the macro scale.

Schmidlin, M.; Beltrán, O.; Freixa, M. (2022). «The migration process of young migrants in Barcelona». Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, núm. 22, p. 16-32. https://doi.org/10.2436/20.3007.01.178

Colorado, S. (2022). «Model i instrument per a l’anàlisi de l’ètica organitzacional de l’escola». Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, núm. 22, p. 33-53. https://doi.org/10.2436/20.3007.01.179

Martin-Rubio, Xavier (2022). «La gestió del repertori lingüístic a la classe de tecnologia en anglès: aprenent contingut, llengua i valors». Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, núm. 22, p. 54-70. https://doi.org/10.2436/20.3007.01.180