New publication: Educating with a transformative sense at university

Pablo Rivera-Vargas, Raquel Miño-Puigcercós and Ezequiel Paseron coordinate this open-source work published by Octaedro.



The aim of the publication has been to create a space for collective and international reflection on the main questions and challenges that are emerging in the face of the growing digitalisation of everyday life, and which were abruptly accentuated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Beyond the diversity of topics addressed in these almost two years of #educarconsentido, the contribution of this book is to bring to its readers those ideas and reflections in educational terms that were especially focused on the university and its academic communities.

Each of the chapters seeks to promote an understanding of the society of which we are a part and to propose how universities can not only provide keys to the generation of knowledge and training, but also to the construction of a fairer and more democratic society.



Anna Forés Miravalles. Antoni Verger. Antonio Membrive. Bonnie Stewart. Carla Fardella. César Coll. Cristina Alonso Cano. Cristóbal Cobo. Ezequiel Passeron. Fernando Hernández-Hernández. Gustavo Herrera Urízar. Henry Giroux. Inés Dussel. Joan-Antón Sánchez i Valero. Juana M. Sancho Gil. Juliana Raffaghelli. Kristiina Kumpulainen. Linda Castañeda. Lluís Parcerisa. Macarena Trujillo Cristoffanini. Marina Garcés Mascareñas. Marina Subirats Martori. Neil Selwyn. Ola Erstad. Pablo Neut-Aguayo. Pablo Rivera-Vargas. Raquel Miño-Puigcercós. Silvina Casablancas


Source: Octaedro