Professor Ruth Vilà Baños coordinates a symposium at the 6th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development

Ruth Vilà Baños, professor of the Departament de Mètodes d’Investigació i Diagnòstic en Educació (MIDE), has coordinated the symposium “External internships, an opportunity to co-transfer with the organizations in the faculty of education of the University of Barcelona”, at the 6th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, celebrated in Setúbal (Portugal), 21-23 June 2018.

Summary of the symposium
The transfer of knowledge has come to occupy a prominent place in the agenda of Higher Education Institutions. In the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona, ​​from the Practicum a series of actions are developed to strengthen, enrich and define the transfer relations between the university and the practice centers. The wide relationship between the organizations of practices and the Faculty of Education allows to have a direct channel of knowledge transfer between spaces of social action, professionals, institutions and people. We present first of all (Núria Rajadell, Dolors Millán and Elena Noguera), how the concept of co-transfer has been collaboratively constructed, through participatory research among the agents involved in the external practices of the degree of Pedagogy. In a second presentation (Ruth vilà, Assumpta Aneas and M. José Rubio), the actions developed from external internships with the degrees of Social Work and Teacher Training are presented. In the third paper (Assumpta Aneas, Ruth Vilà and M. José Rubio), the results of a study by survey that identifies the priority elements to be developed on the concept of co-transfer in a virtual practice community are presented. And finally, in the last presentation (Núria Lorenzo and M. Angels Renom), results are presented about the implementation of an online collaborative space as a virtual practice community in the degree of Pedagogy of the University of Barcelona.