The project focuses on the study of power spaces in medieval and modern Catalonia through two emblematic archaeological sites: the Hospitaller Feminine Monastery of Santa Maria d’Alguaire and the Royal Palace of Valldaura. This research combines archeology with the analysis of written texts and the study of the landscape.

Project details

  • Title: Prioresses, lords and princes. Spaces of power in medieval and modern Catalonia.
  • Code: ARQ001SOL-127-2022.
  • Financing Institutions: Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Alguaire City Council, Institut d’Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya (IAAC), University of Barcelona.
  • Collaborating entities: Institut de Recerca en Cultures Medievals (IRCVM), Medieval Archeology Laboratory (LAMUB).
  • Project Leader: Maria Soler Sala.

Short description

The study of the spaces of power and their impact on the territory constitutes a line of research that is interested not only in the places of domination themselves, but also in their impact on the economy and society. The archaeological analysis of the structures of power allows us to understand them from the perspective of the lived space, but also from the relationships established with the historical landscape, understood as a gateway to the complexity of the past.

The project foresees the realization of several archaeological excavation campaigns in two spaces of territorial, economic or spiritual power: the female hospital monastery of Santa Maria de Alguaire (Segrià) and the Royal Palace of Valldaura (Vallès Occidental). We do it in the framework of a transdisciplinary research, which is committed to the use of technologies and dialogue between sources (archaeological, written texts and territory) in the construction of historical knowledge.

 Research objectives

  • To study the spaces of power in medieval and modern Catalonia, incorporating the archaeological record in the reflection on the nature and materiality of power.
  • Analyse the construction processes, the architectural evolution and the superimpositions of the domain spaces in the chronology under study.
  • To understand the territorial impact of the power centres: establishment, patrimonial management and relationship or connection networks.
  • Integrate the gender perspective in the archaeology of power spaces, especially in the case of female monastic lordships.
  • Give back to society the results of the project in collaboration with the institutions and agents of the territory.

In order to achieve these objectives we propose:

  • To study the spaces of power in medieval and modern Catalonia, incorporating the archaeological record in the reflection on the nature and materiality of power.
  • Carry out archaeological interventions in the female hospital monastery of Santa Maria d’Alguaire (el Segrià) and the Royal Palace of Valldaura (Vallès Occidental).
  • Search, empty and record the information extracted from textual sources related to the aforementioned spaces of power.
  • Use GIS representation and analysis techniques in the study of the impact of these constructions on the territory and landscape.
  • Review archaeological excavation materials and reports related territorially or chronologically to the power spaces studied.
  • To disseminate and highlight the results of the project through scientific and informative dissemination activities.

Research Team

Maria Soler Sala

Maria Soler Sala


Doctora en Història Medieval. Professora d’Història i Arqueologia Medieval (UB). Especialista en l’estudi dels mercats rurals i el paisatge medieval, mitjançant la integració de fonts i l’ús dels GIS en la representació i anàlisi de les dades històriques.

Walter Alegría Tejedor

Walter Alegría Tejedor

Degree in History (UB) and Master in Methods and Techniques of Artistic and Geographical Historical Research (UNED). Collaborating archaeologist at the University of Barcelona and PhD student in Medieval Cultures. Specialized in material culture.

Bet Mallofré López

Bet Mallofré López

PhD in Medieval History. Diploma in Computer Science and Master in Secondary Education (UB). Postdoctoral researcher in History, specializing in the study of medieval landscapes, GIS and computer applications.

Jordi Vallverdú Pastó

Jordi Vallverdú Pastó

Graduat en arqueologia (UB). Director i tècnic de camp en jaciments d'època medieval i auxiliar d’arqueologia i en projectes de recerca i empreses. Col·laborador del LAUMB en les pràctiques amb materials arqueològics.

Silvia Marín Ortega

Silvia Marín Ortega

Llicenciada en Història (UB), grau en Conservació-Restauració de Béns Culturals, (especialitat: Arqueologia) (ESCRBCC) i Màster en Direcció de Projectes de Conservació-Restauració (UB). Professora de l'ESCRBCC.

Izaskun Ambrosio Arcas

Izaskun Ambrosio Arcas

Master in Archaeology (UB), in Biological Anthropology (UB-UAB) and in Secondary Education (UNIR). Physical anthropologist and professional archaeologist. She collaborates as a physical and forensic anthropologist in several projects of the University of Barcelona.

Marc Ferrer Fernández

Marc Ferrer Fernández

Doctor en Història Medieval. Diplomat en Informàtica i Màster en Educació Secundària (UB). Investigador postdoctoral en història, especialista en l'estudi de paisatges medievals, SIG i aplicacions informàtiques.

Núria Jornet Benito

Núria Jornet Benito

PhD in Medieval History, Paleography and Diplomacy. Professor of Library Science and Documentation (UB). Specialist in the study of medieval monasticism through research on the preserved documentary heritage.

Rosa Lluch Bramon

Rosa Lluch Bramon

PhD in Medieval History. Professor of Medieval History (UB). Specialist in the study of the peasantry, feudal lordships and the territorial organization of the Catalan agrarian space in the Middle Ages.

Blanca Garí de Aguilera

Blanca Garí de Aguilera

Professor of Medieval History. Professor of Medieval History (UB). Specialist in the study of medieval female spirituality and principal investigator of several research projects of Digital Humanities.