
Versió en català                 Versión en español

The purpose of the project Working on a dialectal spoken corpus: Analysis of linguistic variation and development of computer tools for automated transcription” (ECOD) is to study the linguistic variation and to develop computer tools for the automated transcription, based on data from a Catalan dialectal spoken corpus (COD) gathered during previous research projects. This general aim of the project includes the following four specific goals:

  1. maintenance and completion of the COD data (researchers in charge: Joaquim Viaplana, Maria-Rosa Lloret, M. Pilar Perea, Esteve Clua);
  2. analysis of the linguistic phenomena with respect to dialectal variation (researcher in charge: Maria-Rosa Lloret);
  3. dialectometric analysis and spatial representation of the linguistic distance (researcher in charge: Esteve Clua), and
  4. processing of a sonorous atlas containing phonetic and morphological information and development of computer tools in order to make easy the automated transcription of the data of the COD (researcher in charge: M. Pilar Perea).

The fact that this corpus was designed with computarization in mind simplifies the quantitative approach to the data and provides a homogeneous empirical base to develop specific studies.

The results accomplished through the exploitation of the COD seek to be to the advantage of the knowledge of Catalan as well as to the advantage of a better understanding of the linguistic variation in general and, more specifically, of the analytical models that can explain this variation and the tools to represent it. In addition to that, the results also seek to develop alternate computer tools for voice recognition.

Project title: Working on a dialectal spoken corpus: Analysis of linguistic variation and development of computer tools for automated transcription (ECOD)”
Reference: HUM2007 65531/FILO (2nd stage) and HUM2004-01504/FILO (1st stage)
Dates: 01/10/2007 – 30/09/2010 (2nd stage) and 13/12/2004 – 12/12/2007 (1st stage)
Project leader: Maria-Rosa Lloret Romañach (Universitat de Barcelona)
Funding: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia y Tecnología; FEDER

Results of the project
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