Research is a core strength of the Department since its very beginning. The teaching staff and research groups have a solid research record evidenced by publications in top-tier journals, books, awards and a great number of funded research projects. The Department and its members closely collaborate with other UB units and researchers, as well as with other national and international research institutions and universities.
Researchers in the Department work on a variety of research lines:

• Culture and University History
• Diet and Dietary Habits in the Middle Ages
• Medieval Institutions Generating Documents
• Writing and Written Culture
• Women in the Middle Ages
• Daily Life
• Countryside, Territory and Landscape in the Middle Ages
• Islamic Navigation in the Early Middle Ages
• Settlement networks in al-Andalus and al-Magreb
• Power and its forms in Medieval Islam
• Organization and Functioning of Feudal Seigneuries
• Catalan Agriculture in the Late Middle Ages
• Servitude in the Middle Ages
• History of the Military Orders
• Ecclesiastical taxation in the Middle Ages
• Jews in the Crown of Aragon
• Medieval Church
• Medieval Female Spirituality
• Social conflicts
• Assistance to the poor during the 14th and 15th centuries
• The Relationship between the Crown of Aragon and the Maghreb in the Late Middle Ages
• Economic, Social and Cultural processes and transformations in the Mediterranean Basin
• Production technology in the Middle Ages
• Medieval habitat and fortifications
• Mountain communities between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
• Production, Consumption, and food products exchange in the Medieval World