The Formation of the Medieval Landscape: the Origin of the Settlement Network in the Higher Arlanza.HAR2012-33673. [University of Barcelona]

Principal Investigator: M. Dolores López Pérez

Funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2012 – 2015).

The analysis of the settlements in the area of the Higher Arlanza (Burgos) during the Early Middle Ages is often only possible through the vague picture presented by the study of rock necropolises; hence the tendency to focus on the funerary world and the consequent partiality of the settlement record. This project aims to address this issue by conducting a detailed analysis of these archaeological sites, and revealing the organization of these settlements and the settling strategies.


Padilla, J.I.; Álvaro, K. (2013) Los asentamientos altomedievales del Alto Arlanza (Burgos). El despoblado de Revenga. Pyrenae: Revista de Prehistòria i Antiguitat de la Mediterrània Occidental, 44/1, pp.67-100

Álvaro, K.; Padilla, J.I. (2012): Arquitectura religiosa y necròpolis rupestres entre el alto Arlanza y la cabecera del Duero (ss.IX-XI). Hortus Artium Medievalium, 18, pp. 209-222

Padilla, J.I.; Álvaro, K. (2011) Los grabados rupestres del despoblado medieval de Revenga (Burgos). Munibe. Antropologia-Arkeologia, 62, pp.439-459

Padilla, J.I.; Álvaro, K. (2011) La pileta del despoblado medieval de Revenga (Burgos): a propósito del lavado ritual de los difuntos y sus evidencias arqueológicas. Pyrenae: Revista de Prehistòria i Antiguitat de la Mediterrània Occidental, 42/2, pp.67-100