Undergraduate Programmes
The Department of Medieval History, Palaeography and Diplomatics of the University of Barcelona is involved in several courses for the BA in History and the BA in Archaeology. These courses provide an overview of the Middle Ages, as well as the necessary knowledge to work on the different types of historical sources. Our goal is to train the next generation of historians and researchers.
We work to present a coherent and unitary vision of the Medieval History, and our innovative learning projects allow our students to enter and explore new learning environments.
The Department organizes various activities for students, such as visits to archives and specialized libraries, and trips to Rome, Florence, Bologna, Venice, Avignon, Poblet, Lleida, Girona and Tortosa, among other places relevant to medieval history. The Department supports several archaeological excavations led by its members, and encourages and promotes students’ involvement in their activity. The Department also offers Research Initiation Grants to students in their last year of undergraduate studies.