Experience CHARM-EU with the FLOW Summer School
(10/03/2021) Deadline pre-register until 15 March 2021
The programme will offer 45 hours of scientific courses (lectures, lab activities and scientific visits) delivered by recognized experts to choose from 3 scientific tracks:
1.Food, Living Organisms, Water;
2.Sustainable Energy and Materials;
3.Data and Information Processing.
Students will also engage in a tutored cross-disciplinary project on Sustainability. Both the courses and the tutored project will be strongly connected to the challenges in the fields of food, water, materials, energy and data sciences. Additionally, participants will benefit from a course focusing on French language, culture and interculturality and will have free access to an international specific module on vine and wine created by the renowned Agro Institute.
FLOW is opened to all undergraduate international students who have completed their first or second year of study in the field of engineering and with a specific interest for one of the 3 topics of FLOW (Food, Living Organisms and Water)
You can pre-register until 15 March 2021
More information and pre-register: www.charm-eu.eu/experience-charm-eu-flow-summer-school