Books and Chapters

  • Bernardo, Mercè.; Escalante, Raúl.; Arbussà, Anna (2019). El éxito internacional de la cocina catalana. Más allá de la creatividad y la innovación. Edicions Universitat de Barcelona. ISBN: 978-84-9168-041-3
  • Elgoibar, Patricia; Medina, Francisco.J.; Garcia, Ana; Pender, Erica; Euwema, Martin. (2018). Mediation and conciliation in collective labour conflicts in Europe: a crosscultural analysis. En Mediation in collective labour conflicts. (pp. 175 – 201). Springer International Publishing. DOI:
  • Elgoibar, Patricia; Besieux, Tijs, McCaffrey, Megan; Godding, Claire. (2017). Showcase¿’Believe in Diversity and Act Accordingly’ Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Dialogue at BNP Paribas. En Shaping Inclusive Workplaces Through Social Dialogue (pp. 73 – 86). Springer Verlag. DOI:
  • Elgoibar, Patricia; Euwema, Martin; Munduate, Lourdes. (2017). Conflict Management. En Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Oxford University Press.
  • Magomedova, Nina; Achcaoucaou, Fariza; Miravitlles, Paloma. (2017). Reducing psychic distance through Springboard subsidiaries: An exploratory case study. En Distance in International Business: Concept, cost and calue (Progress in International Business research, Volume 12 (pp. 471 – 493). Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley,
  • Miravitlles, Paloma; Achcaoucaou, Fariza; Núñez-Carballosa, Ana; Guitart-Tarrés, Laura. (2017). Is Spain losing out on international investment in R&D? (pp. 29-39). Fundación Bancaria ‘la Caixa’.
  • Bernardo, Merce; Arbussà, Anna; Escalante, Raúl. (2016). Cuina de relacions. Anàlisi de la concentració geogràfica de restaurants amb estrelles Michelin a Catalunya. (pp. 1 – 150). Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de Girona. ISBN: 978-8484584780
  • Cruz-Cázares, Claudio; Valls-Pasola, Jaume. (2016). Innovar per competir. Reptes, eines i estratègies empresarials. (pp. 1 – 247). Editorial UOC. ISBN: 978-84-9116-501-9
  • Elgoibar, Patricia; Euwema, Martin; Munduate, Lourdes. (2016). Building trust and constructive conflict management in organizations. En Building trust and constructive conflict management in organizations. (pp. 1 – 230). Springer Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-319-31473-0.
  • Elgoibar, Patricia; Munduate, Lourdes; Euwema, Martin. (2016). Building Trust and Constructive Conflict Management in Organizations (introductory chapter). En Building Trust and Constructive Conflict Management in Organizations (pp. 1 – 13). Springer Verlag.
  • Espinet, Adriana; Miravitlles, Paloma; Achcaoucaou, Fariza. (2016). Basi. En Dirección internacional de la empresa (pp. 21 – 24). Mc Graw Hill. ISBN: 978-84-486-0808-8
  • Euwema, Martin, Garcia, Ana, Munduate, Lourdes, Elgoibar, Patricia, Pender, Erica. (2016). Employee representatives in European organizations. En Promoting social dialogue in European organizations. Human Resources management and constructive conflict behavior. (pp. 1 – 17). Springer Verlag. DOI:
  • Garcia, Ana; Pender, Erica; Elgoibar, Patricia. (2016). The state of art: Trust and conflict management in organizational industrial relations. En Building trust and constructive conflict management in organizations (pp. 29 – 51). Springer Verlag.
  • Lewicki, Roy; Elgoibar, Patricia; Euwema, Martin. (2016). The Tree of Trust: Building and repairing trust in organizations. En Building trust and constructive conflict management in organizations (pp. 93 – 117). Springer Verlag.
  • Munduate, Lourdes; Euwema, Martin; Elgoibar, Patricia. (2016). Constructive Conflict Management in Organizations: Taking Stock and looking forward. En Building Trust and Constructive Conflict Management in Organizations (pp. 213 – 230). Springer Verlag.
  • Campos, Alejadro; Hormiga, Esther; Sánchez, Alba. (2015). The entrepreneur’s values and the growth expectations of new ventures. En Entrepreneurship, culture and regional development. An Institutional perspective . Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-15110-6.
  • Colson, Aurélien; Elgoibar, Patricia; Marchi, Francesco. (2015). Employee Representatives in France. Which are the perceptions and expectations by employers? En Promoting social dialogue in European organizations. Human Resources management and constructive conflict behavior. (pp. 67 – 78). Springer Verlag.
  • Euwema, Martin; Munduate, Lourdes; Elgoibar, Patricia; Garcia, Ana; Pender, Erica. (2015). Promoting social dialogue in European organizations. Human Resources management and constructive conflict behavior. En Promoting social dialogue in European organizations. Human Resources management and constructive conflict behavior (pp. 1 – 196). Springer Verlag.
  • Garcia, Ana; Pender, Erica; Elgoibar, Patricia; Munduate, Lourdes; Euwema, Martin. (2015). The tower of power: building innovative organizations through social dialogue. En Promoting social dialogue in European organizations. Human Resources management and constructive conflict behavior. (pp. 179 – 196).
  • Munduate, Lourdes; Garcia, Ana; Pender, Erica; Elgoibar, Patricia; Medina, Francisco J. (2015). Employee Representatives in Spain. Which are the perceptions and expectations by employers? En Promoting social dialogue in European organizations. Human Resources management and constructive conflict behavior. (pp. 147-162). Springer Verlag.