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  • Martínez-Navarro, B., Karoui-Yaakoub, N., Oms , O., Amri, L., López-García, J.M., Zerai, K., Blain, H.A.,  Mtimet, M.S., Espigares, M.P., Ben Haj Ali, N., Ros-Montoya, S., Boughdiri, M., Agustí, J., Khayati-Ammar, H., Maalaoui, K., Om El Khir, M., Sala, R., Othmani, A., Hawas, R., Gómez-Merino, G., Solè, A., Carbonell, E., Palmqvist, P. (2014) - The early Middle Pleistocene archeopaleontological site of Wadi Sarrat (Tunisia) and the earliest record of Bos primigenius. Quaternary Sciene Reviews, 90, 37-46.
  • Casas, L., Prevosti, M., Fouzai, B.,  Álvarez, A. (2014) - Archaeomagnetic study and dating at five sites from Catalonia (NE Spain).  Journal of Archaeological Science, 41, 856-867.
  • Prevosti, M.,  Casas, Ll.,  Roig Pérez, J.F.,  Fouzai,  B., Álvarez, A., Pitarch, A. (2013) - Archaeological and archaeomagnetic dating at a site from the ager Tarraconensis (Tarragona, Spain): El Vila-sec Roman pottery. Journal of Archaelogical Science 40(6), 2676-2701.
  • Casas, Ll., Ramírez, J., Navarro, A., Fouzai, B., Estop, E., Rosell, J.R. (in press) (2013) - Archaeometric dating of two limekilns in an industrial heritage site in Calders (Catalonia, NE Spain). Journal of Cultural Heritage (Doi : 10.1016/j.culher.2013.11.008)
  • Fouzai, B., Casas,Ll.,  Ouazaa, N. L., Fantar, M., Álvarez, A. (2013) - Archaeomagnetic data from three Punic sites in Tunisia.  Journal of Archaelogical Science 40(4), 1703-1714.
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Beamud, E., McIntosh, G., Larrasoaña, J.C. (2013) - New archaeomagnetic data recovered from the study of three roman kilns from northeast Spain: a contribution to the Iberian palaeosecular variation curve, Archaeometry, 55(1), 159-177, doi:10.1111/j.1475-4754.2012.00675.x
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., McIntosh, G., Chauvin, A., Beamud, E., Pavón-Carrasco,F.J., Thiriot, J. (2012) - Archaeomagnetic and rock magnetic study of six kilns from North Africa (Tunisia and Morocco), Geophysical Journal International (in press)
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Beamud, E., McIntosh, G., Larrasoaña, J.C. (2012) - New archaeomagnetic data recovered from the study of three roman kilns from northeast Spain: a contribution to the Iberian palaeosecular variation curve, Archaeometry (in press) doi:10.1111/j.1475-4754.2012.00675.x
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Chauvin, A., Lanos, P., Dufresne, P., Kovacheva, M., Hill, M.J., Beamud, E., Blain, S., Bouvier, A., Guibert , P. and Archaeological WorkingTeam (2012) - Improving our knowledge of rapid geomagnetic field intensity changes observed in Europe between 200 and 1400 AD, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 355-356: 131-143 [PDF]

  • Tema, E., Gómez-Paccard, M., Kondopoulou, D., Almar, Y. (2012) - Intensity of the Earth´s magnetic field in Greece during the last five millennia: New data from Greek pottery. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 202-203: 14-26
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Chauvin, A., Lanos, P., Dufresne, P., Kovacheva, M., Beamud, E., Hill, M.J., Blain, S., Bouvier, A., Guibert, P. and Archaeological Working Team -New archaeointensity data from Western Europe: an improved description of the 800 AD intensity bump. VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 359
  • E. Beamud, M. Gómez-Paccard, G. McIntosh, and J.C. Larrasoaña (2012) - New archaeomagnetic data from three roman kilns in northeast Spain: a contribution to the Iberian palaeosecular variation curve. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Viena (Austria) April 22nd-27th
  • M. Gomez-Paccard, G. McIntosh, E. Beamud, A. Chauvin, F. J. Pavon-Carrasco, and J. Thiriot (2012) - Archaeomagnetic and rock magnetic study of six kilns from North Africa (Tunisia and Morocco). European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Viena (Austria) April 22nd-27th
  • Tema, E., Gómez-Paccard, M., Kondopoulou, D., Almar, Y. (2012) - The use of ceramics in the reconstruction of the geomagnetic field intensity variations in the past: New data from Greek pottery. 13th Castle Meeting, New trends in Geomagnetism, Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, Geophysical Institut SAS, Zvolen, Slovakia, 17-23 June 2012
  • Tema, E., Gómez-Paccard, M., Kondopoulou, D., Almar, Y. (2012) - New archaeointensity results from Greek ceramics and their contribution on the intensity secular variation in Greece< 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry. Book of abstracts of the 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry, pp.185. , Leuven, Belgium, May 28th-June 1st
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Chauvin, A., Beamud, E., Gutierrez-Lloret, S., Cañavate, V., Hill, M., Lanos. P. (2011) - Improving our knowledge of the rapid geomagnetic field intensity variation observed in Europe around 800 AD: new archeointensity data from Visigothic Spanish potteries. EGU General Assembly 2011, Viena (Austria), Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-8050, 2011
  •  M. Gómez-Paccard, A. Chauvin, B. Beamud, S. Gutierrez-Lloret, V. Cañavate (2010) - Archeointensity determination on Visigothic (8-9th centuries) potteries from the Tolmo de Minateda (Hellín, Albacete, Spain). Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • G. Catanzariti, M. Gómez-Paccard, G. McIntosh , F. J. Pavón- Carrasco, A. Chauvin, E. Beamud y M. L. Osete López (2010) - nuevos datos arqueomagnéticos para España central en época visigoda. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • Beamud, E. & Gómez-Paccard, M. (2009) -  Estudi Arqueomagnètic del forn del carrer de l’Hospital, QUARHIS 5, 197-201
  • Pueyo, E.L; Silva Aguilera, C;  Beamud, E;  Valero-Garcés, B. (2008) -  Archeomagnetostratigraphy; a dating tool in ancient dam sediments. A case study in the Muel Roman reservoir (Northern Spain). VII Congreso Geológico de España, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14-18 julio. Geotemas 10, pp. 1187-1190
  • Beamud, E. and Gómez-Paccard, M. (2007) - Archaeomagnetic dating of four spanish structures. IUGG XXIV General Assembly. Perugia, 2-13th July
  • Pueyo, E.L; Silva, C; Beamud, E. and Valero, B. (2007) - Archaeomagnetostratigraphy: a dating tool in ancient dam sediments. A case study in the Muel reservoir (N Spain). 4th International Limnogeology Congress. Barcelona, 11th-14th July
  • Beamud, E. and Garcés, M. (2005) - Archaeomagnetic dating of the Roman kilns of "La Fornaca" (Vilassar de Dalt, Barcelona). AARCH Workshop, Madrid 18-21 March