Ganadoras y ganadores de las becas POLEXP para Summer Schools

Ganadoras y ganadores de las becas POLEXP para Summer Schools

El tribunal de evaluación de POLEXP formado por Jordi Muñoz (UB), Aina Gallego (IBEI) y José Fernandez-Albertos (CSIC) ha otorgado las becas para la 2017 Nuffield CESS/Essex Experimental Summer School a  Alberto López-Ortega (UC3M-Juan March Institute) y Leire Rincon (UB). El tribunal también ha decidido otorgar dos becas para el curso de Survey Experiments de la Barcelona Summer School in Survey Methodology de la RECSM a Juan Ramón Jiménez-García (UPF) y Alba Huidobro Torres (UPF).

Ganador del premio “INCENTIVO POLEXP”

Ganador del premio “INCENTIVO POLEXP”

El día 31 de Mayo, en el despacho B3-167 de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, se ha efectuado el sorteo de un vale Amazon de 50 euros entre los participantes en encuestas de Polex-Lab que cumplían los requisitos del apartado 3 de las bases del premio

El número ganador ha sido el siguiente: 1406642. ¡Ya tiene su cheque regalo!

Convocatoria POLEXP para dos becas para la 2017 Nuffield CESS/Essex Experimental Summer School

Convocatoria POLEXP para dos becas para la 2017 Nuffield CESS/Essex Experimental Summer School

La Red de Investigación Experimental en Ciencia Política POLEXP lanza la convocatoria para dos becas para la 2017 Nuffield Cess/Essex Experimental Summer School. Las becas cubrirán la tasa de matrícula (£1000) y el coste de los vuelos de ida y vuelta. Podrán presentar sus solicitudes los estudiantes de master y doctorado de ciencia política que estén cursando sus estudios en universidades españolas.

Las solicitudes deberán ser enviadas hasta el 21 de abril de 2017.

“Economic Insecurity, Authoritarian Predispositions and Attitudes towards Redistribution: An Experimental Investigation”

“Economic Insecurity, Authoritarian Predispositions and Attitudes towards Redistribution: An Experimental Investigation”

Research Seminar, Political Science UB
Prof. Gizem Arıkan (Yasar University, Izmir)
16 March,  14:15
Location: Av. Diagonal 684, Edifici Principal, Seminari 1

Authoritarianism is defined as psychological predisposition that reflects a preference for social order, conformity, and deference to authority as opposed to individual autonomy and freedom (Duckitt 2001, Feldman 2003, Stenner 2005). So far, the political psychology literature has focused on the effects of authoritarianism on prejudice and intolerance, and often disregarded its potential effect on attitudes towards the role of government in the economy. I argue that authoritarian predispositions should be associated with greater support for government responsibility as these policies also serve the purpose of preserving the social fabric, and preventing social disruptions that could arise from economic injustices. This should especially be the case when individuals perceive a threat to social order and stability increases. While there is some evidence on the effect of authoritarianism on support for government responsibility (Stenner 2009; Stevens, Bishin, & Barr 2006) and on the moderating effect of social and economic threats on this relationship (Arikan and Sekercioglu, 2016), these works use survey data and thus do not directly test the moderating effect of threat perceptions on support for government responsibility. In this paper, we conduct an experimental investigation testing whether societal and pocketbook economic insecurity perceptions lead those with higher levels of authoritarian tendencies to express more support in favor of redistribution and government responsibility to provide for those in need.

The 3rd Barcelona-Gothenburg-Bergen Workshop on Experimental Political Science

The 3rd Barcelona-Gothenburg-Bergen Workshop on Experimental Political Science


The workshop is an event conceived to bring together researchers who use experimental methodology to address political phenomena. Empirical works from any subfield of the discipline are welcome. We also welcome methodological contributions, and works that explore the relationship between experimental and observational data. We encourage both advanced papers and presentations of experimental designs at an early stage. Both senior and junior scholars are encouraged to participate. This is the third edition of the workshop. Last year it gathered a diverse set of scholars from several countries with high quality contributions. The previous years full program and papers can be found here.

We invite those interested in participating in the workshop to submit paper proposals (including name, affiliation and position of author/s and an abstract) before the 31st January 2017 through this form or to this email: The paper selection will be notified by 28th February 2017.



La Red de Investigación Experimental en Ciencia Política POLEXP, junto con el Nuffield Centre for Experimental Social Sciences of the University of Oxford (CESS), organiza el Fourth International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (IMEBESS) que tendrá lugar en el Parc de les Humanitats i les Ciències Socials de la Universitat de Barcelona el 27-29 de Abril 2017.
IMEBESS pretende reunir a investigadores de todas las áreas de las ciencias sociales interesadas en los métodos experimentales. Por lo tanto, estamos particularmente interesados en la participación de todas las diversas disciplinas de ciencias sociales con interés en la investigación experimental y de comportamiento. La fecha límite para las propuestas de ponencias es el 31 de enero 2017. Los autores recibirán la notificación de aceptación el 28 de febrero de 2017. Se tomaran en consideración tanto trabajos teóricos como empíricos en todas las áreas de las ciencias sociales.