Digging under the Portuguese sun? Participants wanted for Boca do Rio excavation!

Diumenge, 08 Juliol 2018.

As part of the project "Vulnerability", we, archaeologists from the University of Marburg (Germany), are looking for eager participants to take part in the upcoming field campaign i Portugal at the Roman site Boca do Rio (Budens, Algarve region). The excavation is scheduled for 27.08. until 05.10.2018 with focus on the investigation of a pottery kiln and the port of the site.

A minimum participation period of two weeks is necessary; accommodation is provided onsite, arrival and departure has to be self-organised.

Currently slots in the second half, from 17.09.-05.10., are available! Interested people can find further information at www.epa-marburg.de (German), for any further questions please contact the project managers directly.

Please register until 31.07.2018.
Prof. Dr. Félix Teichner
Florian Hermann Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la.