Sofía Santiago

Sofía Santiago


Universitat de Barcelona

I am Sofía Santiago Fernández, graduated in Mathematics at Universidad de Sevilla. I specialised in Logic and Formal verification during my master studies in Logic, Computer Science and AI at Universidad de Sevilla.

I am interested in automatic reasoning and proof assistants. I developped my final degree thesis and master thesis as a project on formalising Propositional Logic’s Syntax, Semantics, Hintikka’s lemma and Consistency using Isabelle/HOL from an inverse research on the automatic’s demonstrations. The full project is available on github. Furthermore, my research interests meet Modal Logic, Provability Logic and Proof Theory.

I started an industrial PhD program in the Universitat de Barcelona together with Formal Vindications in October 2022 under the supervision of Joost J. Joosten.
