Unit of analysis quantitative of the conduct

In the field of techniques statistics for analysis of the unique case designs, typical of the field of psychology clinic, goals are the following :

General Objective 1

Continue with the development of new techniques statistics for identify ­ expensive change in the behavior patterns that do not detect evidence statistics ones.


General Objective 2

In the case of tests statistics now existing, if necessary, propose ways ­ cations with the ­ lity to improve power Statistics and robustness against the violation of the assumptions. In general, it is requires simulation stochastic through the Montecarlo procedure .

General Objective 3

Expand the scope of application of the techniques statistics for analysis of the unique case designs , mainly oriented to clinical psychology , to other disciplines where is their relevant Use , such as cognitive neuroscience .

An example important of these lines we are and we still maintain that the dimensions can find in the next jobs:

TATE, R. L., PERDICES, M., ROSENKOETTER, U., SHADISH, W., VOHRA, S., BARLOW, D. H., MANOLOV, R., WILSON, B. (2016). The Single-Case Reporting Guideline In Behavioural Interventions (SCRIBE) 2016 statement. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 73, 142-152.
MANOLOV, R., & ONGHENA, P. (2017, March 16). Analyzing data from single-case alternating treatments designs.
Psychological Methods. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/met0000133.

One of the applications we are in more interested they are those that present one evident social dimension , com It is the field of relationships social. This scope of analysis of relationships social , it is connected with the units of Neuroscience Quantitative and Ethological quantitative , goals are the following:

General Objective 4

Develop new techniques statistics to analyze relationships social , emphasizing the possibility of making decisions statistics and, for so much, do not make use of it only descriptive. In this goal will be done serve the simulation Stochastic in order to study the properties statistics.


General Objective 5

With a ­ nationality more technological , extend the application of techniques for the analysis of relationships social to the areas where his use is relevant. Finally , a third area of this unit for analysis Quantitative of the behavior that you want to start is refers to the amount ­ cation of the activity brain and thus have another link between the research activities of the different units from research group. The targets are the following:

General Objective 6

Propose a minimum system of magnitudes to describe the holistic activity of the brain and, thus, add information about yours operation that you get of the studies Current ones that are based on analysis aggregate signal associated to areas Cranial. This goal It involves the development of a set of indexes For how regulated ­ expensive quantities.


General Objective 7

To develop techniques statistics to make decisions with the ­ Identity to detect changes in activity holistic from Brain , now be it when comparing populations clinics with controls or in the execution of cognitive tasks .


General Objective 8

It will be required do studies empirical in order to be true ­ Given the interest of magnitudes holistic Proposed , both for his use clinical as for the foundation theoretician in the field of neuroscience .