Unit of Ethology

  • We have developed techniques statistical software for analysis of behavioral sequences interactive.

  • We have applied models of robots Cellular to behavior linguistic with the ­ Nationality to determine under what conditions the replacement will take place language.

  • We have studied the temporal dynamics of the processes self-organization in moving groups of individuals using a simulation model based on agents and record the behavior of fish in a aquarium.

  • We have investigated the hierarchy, dominance and networks social in non- human primates , applying observation systematic and we have developed software to simulate the formation of hierarchies .

  • We have studied behavior and cognition of the Primates ( communication , self- recognition , use of utensils , etc.) and we have applied the results in yours preservation.

General Objective 1

Extend the app of the methods sequence analysis to the study of group interaction in teams within the field of quantitative social psychology. A starting point is:

KLONEK, F., QUERA, V., & KAUFFELD, S. (2015). Coding interactions in Motivational Interviewing with computer-software: What are the advantages for process researchers? Computers in Human Behavior, 44, 284-292. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.10.034.

General Objective 2

Continue the search for the movement collective Coordinated (MCC) with the ­ nationality to find out what behavioral rules of local interaction between the individuals of a group of fishes determine their MCC. With this one ­ nationality we will develop Technical analysis Quantitative of the trajectories individual obtained through crawl computerized. A starting point is:

GIMENO, E., QUERA, V., BELTRAN, F.S., & DOLADO, R. (2016). Differences in shoaling behavior in two species of freshwater fish (Danio rerio and Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 130(4), 358-368. doi: 10.1037/com0000041.

General Objective 3

Study the social behavior and the conservation of groups of the cercopitècids freedom and semi freedom, the ­ nality to create models Computational of the social structure and the dynamics of fission-fusion and, in the long run Term , apply them to the conservation of these species. One reference work is:

DOLADO, R., GIMENO, E., & BELTRAN, F.S. (2017). Modeling the emergence of seasonal fission-fussion dynamics in red-capped mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71:100 Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s00265-017-2331-3

The objectives specifi­cs are :

Specific objective1: Develop methods and analysis software to detect recurrence patterns in sequences of interaction.

Specific objective ­ 2: make series of MCC experiments in a controlled aquarium situation .

Specific objective ­ 3: Perform Simulation studies of social structure with the models computational developed.