Research Group on Risk in Finance and Insurance
RFA - IREA - University of Barcelona

Barcelona Insurance and Risk Management
Summer School

July 12-14th, 2010

Day 1: Basis Methodologies on Investment and Risk Management in Retirement
Day 2: Current Research on Investment and Risk Management in Retirement
Day 3: Long-term Care

Prof. Dr. Raimond Maurer
Dr. Ralf Rogalla
(Finance Department, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main)
Prof. Jean Pinquet (École Polytechnique, Paris)

Daily schedule
9.00-10.30 Main lecture
10.30-11.15 Paper 1 discussion
11.15-11.45 Coffee-break
11-45-12.30 Paper 2 discussion
12.30-13.15 Paper 3 discussion
13.15-14.00 Paper 4 discussion

Reading list
A reading list will be distributed to all participants in advance