Yearly Archives: 2014


Prof. Jerònia Pons participates in the 1st Annual Conference of the UBZurich Chair

octubre 16th, 2014|Categories: UBZurich|

Oct. 16 2014: The UBZurich Chair organizes the 1st annual conference by professor Jerònia Pons (Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences at the University of Seville) with a lecture on “Zurich, 130 years in the Spanish Insurance Industry [Zurich, 130 años en el Seguro Español]” at 18:30h in the Paranymph of the University of Barcelona

Annual Conference of the UBZurich Chair

octubre 12th, 2014|Categories: UBZurich|

  Oct 20. 2014:   The Annual Conference of the Chair UBZurich was a celebration of 130 years of Zurich Spain. Attendees enjoyed a lecture by Prof. Jerònia Pons at the Paranymph of the University of Barcelona last Thursday. The lecture went over the history of the Zurich Insurance Group in Spain, which was established