Research and Assessment on Euro-Mediterranean Relations

SEARCH Project has launched the “Research and Assessment on Euro-Mediterranean Relations” document.

This compilation document serves the purpose of disseminate all the findings of the SEARCH Project, together with the resulting specific policy proposals among national and international decision-makers, academic environaments and civil society at large.

The Search Project (Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRregionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods) had two main objectives: the first was to analyse the main features of the multifaceted dynamics in the EU Neighboring Countries through multidisciplinary networking, and collect relevant data needed for the comprehensive understanding of the changes; the second objective, and based on this analysis, was to prepare policy inceptions induced by the scientific findings in order to suggest policy proposals that could improve relations between the EU institutions and Member States and the neighbouring countries.

The SEARCH Project has projected future trends and identified potential effects of higher levels of economic integration. Trade flows between the EU and neighbouring economies, a key element of their interaction, have been studied along with the factors that determine investment location choices.The result of this research should help to better understand the logics of decision-making from the private sector and inspire policies that can improve the international attractiveness of some of the neighbouring regions.

SEARCH has also explored how neighbouring economies interact with the EU in the field of innovation, a domain that is increasing its relevance in the cooperation schemes to be established between the EU and its southern neighbours.

As labour migration is a consolidated and growing trend in EU relations with its southern neighbours, SEARCH has studied its economic and social consequences, both for the EU destination regions as well as for the neighbouring regions. The analysis of the resulting migration flows, remittances and human capital formation have also been key elements in the project.

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