Ignasi Llobera Trias

Ignasi Llobera obtained his PhD in Moral Philosophy with International Mention at the University of Barcelona (2014) with his thesis: The Other-regarding Virtues in Contemporary Ethics.

Ignasi Llobera is now an Independent Researcher and he works at the International School SEK Catalunya as a Head of Humanities, Philosophy Teacher and Theory of Knowledge Teacher of both the International Baccalaureate (IBO) and the National Baccalaureate. He is also member of the Editorial Board of the philosophical magazine Filosofia, Ara! Revista per pensar (www.filoara.cat).

After completing a first degree in Philosophy (2008, Extraordinary Prize of Degree) and a Master’s degree in Contemporary Thought (2009) at the Unviersity of Barcelona (UB), and winning different scholarships from both the UB and La Caixa, Ignasi Llobera started his Doctorate (2009/14) at the same university. He won an important scholarship to complete his PhD (FPU) from the Spanish Ministry of Education. His project of research, directed by Prof. Margarita Mauri, was devoted to the field of the contemporary virtue ethics. Llobera spent two years abroad as a visiting researcher: in 2009/10, at the University of St. Andrews (Scotland), working under Prof. John Haldane; in 2010/11, at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA), working under Prof. David Solomon. In 2011, he came back to the University of Barcelona (2011/13) working on his PhD dissertation, teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy, and actively participating at the research group Στάγειρα – Aristotelian Studies of Practical Philosophy.

Research topics: 

Contemporary Ethics. Practical philosophy, its history and its relationship with literature.


LLOBERA, I., (2019) “És incorrecte mentir?” [Is it wrong to lie?] [Review of HARRIS, S., Lying]”, Enrahonar. An International Jounal of Theoretical and Practical Reason, 62(2019), p. 146-150. Editorial: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Country: Spain. ISSN: 0211-402X.

LLOBERA, I., (2018) “Vulnerabilidad, dependencia, independencia y sus implicaciones éticas en Alasdair MacIntyre y Martha Nussbaum” [“Vulnerability, Dependence, Independence, and their Ethical Significance in Alasdair MacIntyre and Martha Nussbaum”] inMAURI, M. [Ed.] (2018) Aristóteles: revisión contemporánea de una ética clásica [“Aristotle: a contemporary revision of a classical ethics”], p. 235-251. Digital Deposit of the University of Barcelona: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/122422.

LLOBERA, I., (2018) [Review of NOMEN, J., El niño filósofo. Cómo enseñar a los niños a pensar por sí mismos], Diálogo filosófico, 3(2018)102, p. 405-410. 

LLOBERA, I., (2017) “Akrasía inversa genuina de la primera persona” [“First Person Genuine Inverse Akrasia”], Pensamiento, 73(2017), p. 61-75. Retrieved from: http://revistas.upcomillas.es/index.php/pensamiento/article/view/7835/7625.

LLOBERA, I., (2017) “Fonamentació del poder polític, desobediència civil i democràcia” [“Foundation of political power, civil disobedience and democracy”], Filosofia, ara!, 3(2017)3, p. 16-18. Retrieved from: http://www.infofilosofia.info/revista-prova/index.php/FA/article/view/135.ISSN:2462-3865. 

LLOBERA, I., (2014) "Bajo la red (Under the Net)" en MAURI, M. [ed.], Ética y literatura. Cinco novelas de Iris Murdoch, Barcelona: Kit-book, 2014, p. 13-36. ISBN: 978-84-942067-2-6.

LLOBERA, I., (2012) “Akrasíainversa: análisis y propuesta” [“InverseAkrasia: analysis and proposal”],Una mirada actual a la filosofía griega, Palma de Mallorca: Ediciones SIFG, 2012, p. 1025-1037. ISBN: 978-84-695307-4-0.

LLOBERA, I., (2011) “Moral Philosophy in Iris Murdoch's The Bell: The Three Sermons”,enDE MELO, S., & VIEIRA, F., Iris Murdoch, Philosopher Meets Novelist, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2011, p.145-156. ISBN: 978-14-438304-9-2.

LLOBERA, I., (2011) “Nietzsche o Aristòtil? Reflexions entorn l’obra After Virtue d’Alasdair MacIntyre” [“Nietzsche or Aristotle? Considerations on Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue”],Diàlegs, 53(2011), p. 67-86.

 LLOBERA, I., (2011) [Review of SNOW, N., Virtue as Social Intelligence: An Empirically Grounded Theory], Journal of Moral Philosophy, 8(2011), p. 636-638.

LLOBERA, I., (2011) "Virtue ethics, su base empírica y la crítica situacionista" [Recensión de SNOW, N., Virtue as Social Intelligence: An Empirically Grounded Theory] [“Virtue Ethics, Its Empirical Grounding and the Situationists’ Criticism [Review of SNOW, N.,Virtue as Social Intelligence: An Empirically Grounded Theory]”], Convivium, 24(2011), p. 199-203.

LANAO, J. & LLOBERA, I., (2008) “Iris Murdoch: una propuesta platónica contemporánea del arte como vehículo moral” (“Iris Murdoch: A Contemporary Platonic Account of Art As A Moral Vehicle”), enBORDOY FERNÁNDEZ, A.; CASADESÚS BORDOY, F.; PONS OLIVARES, D. [Eds.],: La Filosofía Griega a examen. Ponencias del I Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Griega de la SIFG (Palma de Mallorca, 24-26 de abril de 2008), Ediciones SIFG, 2011. ISBN: 978-84-615-6453-8.


Philosophical Translations

2019 – NUSSBAUM, M. (2019), “Què vol dir ser humà? No ho preguntis" ["What Does It Mean to Be Human? Don't Ask"]. Filosofia, Ara! Revista per a pensar, 5(2019)1, p. 24-25. Tr. Ignasi Llobera Trias. ISSN:2462-3865. Retrieved from: http://www.infofilosofia.info/revista-prova/index.php/FA/article/view/210.

2018 – MACINTYRE, A. (2018), “Un suggeriment inquietant” [“A Disquieting Suggestion”]. Filosofia, Ara! Revista per a pensar, 4(2018)2, p. 27-29. Tr. Ignasi Llobera Trias. ISSN:2462-3865. Retrieved from: http://www.infofilosofia.info/revista-prova/index.php/FA/article/view/190.

2018 – SINGER, P. (2018), “La solució de Singer a la pobresa mundial” [“The Singer Solution to World Poverty”]. Filosofia, Ara! Revista per a pensar, 4(2018)1, p. 34-37. Tr. Ignasi Llobera Trias. ISSN:2462-3865. Retrieved from: http://www.infofilosofia.info/revista-prova/index.php/FA/article/view/Solucio-Singer-pobresa-mundial.