‘Principi di Archittetura’

Arte de saber ver en las bellas artes del diseño, 1830. Spanish edition of Principi di Architettura Civile, by Francesco Milizia.

The study of the eighteenth-century architectural treatise Principi di Architettura Civile, by the Italian theorist Francesco Milizia, left a deep impression on the thought and work of Elias Rogent, who fully accepted some of Milizia's fundamental ideas:

  1. Beauty is what pleases us.
  2. The cultural diversity of peoples must be valued.
  3. Architecture must be expressive and adapt to people's needs.
  4. The Gothic architectural structure is more sublime than classical architecture, as it is an imitation of the Beauty of Nature.
  5. Architecture must be eclectic and adopt different styles.
Image: © City of Barcelona Historical Archive