Presentation of the book ʻUn viaje por la magia del cineʼ

Presentation of the book ʻUn viaje por la magia del cineʼ
04/09/14 | 20:00

Presentation of the book Un viaje por la magia del cine, coordinated by Maria Luisa Pujol. The volume is part of the collection Film-Història of Publicacions i Edicions de la UB. The personalities who participate in the presentation are: Jean-Claude Seguin, Ángel Luis Hueso, the conservator Joan Mariné and María Luisa Pujol. The event is part of the 4th Film & History International Conference: "Memòria històrica i cinema documental” (Historical memory and documentary films).

Further information



Faculty of Geography and History, Aula Magna
Organized by:
Aula Film Foundation Josep M. Queraltó Collection