2nd International Poetry Meetings: “Arxius, poètiques i recepcions”

2nd International Poetry Meetings: “Arxius, poètiques i recepcions”
27/10/16 - 28/10/16 | 10:36

International meeting for experts with a dual aim: on the one hand, contributing to draw a world of complex relations developed by experimental poetry from the sixties onwards, on the other hand- encouraging the debate on new critical speeches and providing tools for this bordering art.

In these meetings there will be the 1st International Artist Book Contest to give homage to Joan Brossa, willing to encourage this model of artist creation in the context of experimental poetry, the focus of the meetings. The works in the contest are exhibited in Arts Santa Mònica from the 26th to 30th of October.

Further information

Link to UB article [Catalan]


Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum), Meier auditorium
Organized by:
Research GRoup Poció. Poesia i Educació