Roundtable: “Lʼenergia i el canvi: de la pobresa energètica a la dignitat humana”

Roundtable: “Lʼenergia i el canvi: de la pobresa energètica a la dignitat humana”
17/11/16 | 19:00

Third and last roundtable for the sessions De la Globalitat a la Llocalitat: Vers una Agenda de Desenvolupament Sostenible per a l'Any 2030 (From Totality to Locality: Towards a Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030) of United Nations for Sustainable Development. With the participation of Arnau Queralt, Director of the Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia (CADS); Josep Maria Planas, Assistant General Manager of Information and Development of Sustainability at the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and Maria Àngels Alió, Professor at the Department of Human Geography of the University of Barcelona.   

Further information


Humanities and Social Sciences Park, Can Jaumandreu (c. Perú, 52)
Organized by:
Humanities and Social Sciences Park, Can Jaumandreu (c. Perú, 52)