Cinema session about Refugees at the Faculty of Law: ʻLas tortugas también vuelanʼ

Cinema Session on the Refugees
24/03/17 | 14:00

The first session will screen the film Las tortugas también vuelan (Iran, Iraq and France, 2004), which narrates the story of a group of kids in a Turkish refugee camp in Iraq during the previous days of the military intervention of the USA against Saddam Hussein.

The Cinema Sessions on Refugees include three films covering the reality of the refugees in different contexts. Screenings will take place on Fridays, March 24 and 31 and April 7.

Link to the UB article [Catalan]

Faculty of Law, room 28
Organized by:
Faculty of Law with the collaboratiop of UB Solidarity Foundation and the International Environmental Film Festival (FICMA)