Mushroom exhibition at the Faculty of Biology

Mushroom exhibition at the Faculty of Biology
20/11/17 - 21/11/17 | 13:53

The Lactarius, horn of plenty, yellow foot, and the red pine mushroom are some of the most common edible mushrooms in Catalonia.  Now that it's time to fill up the baskets, it is worth remembering mushrooms are thr reproductive structure of some fungus that develop in a specific moment of their biological cycle. Moreover, many of these species are toxic and dangerous.

Discovering and knowing more about the most common species in the area is the main objective of this exhibition, which invites the university community to bring mushrooms in a good state on Monday November 20, at 9 a.m. to professors Jaume Llistosella, Pere Navarro and Antonio Gómez, from the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences and the Biodiversity Research Institute of the University of Barcelona (IRBio).


Faculty of Biology, Ramon Margalef building, hall
Organized by:
Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences (Botany and Micology Section) of the Faculty of Biology and Societat Catalana de Micologia