4th IRBio Session: “Noves estratègies en la gestió i conservació de la biodiversitat en el context del canvi global»

4th IRBio Session: “Noves estratègies en la gestió i conservació de la biodiversitat en el context del canvi global»
11/12/17 | 09:30

Session aiming to reflect on the preservation of natural heritage, and on how to face the loss of biodiversity related to global change, in which human activity plays an essential role. The first part of this session tries to contextualize the problem of the preservation and management of biodiversity by prestigious researchers, and show the activities of different IRBio research groups. The second part will show the priorities of the action by the Generalitat de Catalunya to preserve the nature and stop the loss of biodiversity, as well as debating with researchers and technicians on the necessary tools to harmonize the human activity and nature preservation in Catalonia.

This is a free activity. Previous registration is required, for those interested in bringing a poster or joining the lunch, the deadline for registrations is November 30, the other participants have no deadline (934 035 247, irbio@ub.edu).



Further information

Faculty of Biology, Aula Magna
Organized by:
The Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio)