Exhibition: “Huellas de mujeres geniales”

Exhibition: “Huellas de mujeres geniales”
09/01/18 - 29/01/18 | 11:29

Mobile exhibition on the work and career of several women in the fields of political activism, science, thinking, arts, sports and education. Among the women who are shown in this exhibition are Marie Curie, Hannah Arendt, María Zambrano, Ana María Matute, Coco Chanel and Maria Montessori, apart from five Catalan women: Victòria Camps, professor of Philosophy; Araceli Segarra, mountaineer and climber; Ana Matnadze, chess champion; Josefina Castellví, biologist, and Teresa Claramunt, trade unionist.


Further information

Faculty of Geography and History, Aula Magna
Organized by:
Women association platform Nosotras and UB Equality Unit