5th European Congress of Psychomotricity at UB and UAB

The aim of the congress is to analyse several aspects involved in psychomotricity.
The aim of the congress is to analyse several aspects involved in psychomotricity.

The Federation of Associations of Spanish Psychomotricians (FAPee) and seven Catalan universities organise the 5th European Congress of Psychomotricity, which takes place on 9th, 10th and 11th May at the Historic Building of the UB and on UAB Bellaterra Campus. Entitled “Different Faces of Psychomotricity”, the aim of the congress is to analyse several aspects involved in psychomotricity, such as emotions and neuroscience, cultures and environment, lifespan, intervention strategies, research, and art and creation.


The aim of the congress is to analyse several aspects involved in psychomotricity.
The aim of the congress is to analyse several aspects involved in psychomotricity.

The Federation of Associations of Spanish Psychomotricians (FAPee) and seven Catalan universities organise the 5th European Congress of Psychomotricity, which takes place on 9th, 10th and 11th May at the Historic Building of the UB and on UAB Bellaterra Campus. Entitled “Different Faces of Psychomotricity”, the aim of the congress is to analyse several aspects involved in psychomotricity, such as emotions and neuroscience, cultures and environment, lifespan, intervention strategies, research, and art and creation.


The opening ceremony takes place in the Paranymph Hall of the Historic Building of the UB at 4 p.m. The personalities who participate in this event are: Dr Lourdes Cirlot, Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations and Culture of the UB; Dr Lluís Jofre, Director General of Universities of the Government of Catalonia; Mrs Alba Espot, Director General of Early Childhood and Primary Education of the Government of Catalonia; Mr Rui Martins, President of the European Forum of Psychomotricity, and Mrs Estrella Masbeu, President of FAPee.

The relation between somatic and psychic aspects is unquestionable in human beings. Emotions and feelings determine somatic development. Nowadays, advances in neurosciences are discovering and showing in a more clear way these global aspects of peopleʼs structure and development. The opening key note lecture (9th May, at 4.30 p.m.) will be pronounced by the neuroscientist Francisco Mora, from the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Iowa (USA). Several workshops and eight more lectures round off the programme.

The faces of psychomotricity

Congressʼs sessions are grouped by the following fields of knowledge:

Cultures and environment: each culture has a specific point of view about the body, this specificity points up the differences and has a clear influence on the treatment of the body. These environmental and cultural differences are the basis of development and together with genetic potential, determine the entire development process. The psychomotor intervention cannot avoid these aspects that complement the innate characteristics of human beings.

Research and training: in order that psychomotricity can be considered a discipline, it must have a scientific methodology that validates it. Besides research, training is needed for psychomotricity to be kept alive. Therefore, the training of new professionals and lifelong learning education of psychomotricians are necessary.

Intervention strategies: psychomotricians use different strategies in their intervention that are determined by the characteristics that each application field requires: prevention, education, rehabilitation and therapy. These characteristics are determined by clearly defined indications, in relation to the persons who are being interacted with and the specific training for each field.

Lifespan: psychomotricity can be considered as an accompaniment to the human development process. This process lasts the entire life cycle. That is why we consider different kinds of intervention, corresponding to the different phases and characteristics of the lifespan: infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and older adulthood.

Art and creation: all artistic and creative productions in their different fields: painting, architecture, graphic expression, dancing, body language, etc.), can be considered as an artistic external expressions of the internal reality of their creators. So they could be considered as culture expressions of the body image of the persons who create them. From psychomotricity, we understand the motor expressiveness also as a symbolic expression of this internal and pulsional reality of the person.