Open registration to EIMʼs language courses 2014-2015 with last yearʼs rates

Registration to EIM's 2014-2015 courses with last year's rates is opened until 29 July.
Registration to EIM's 2014-2015 courses with last year's rates is opened until 29 July.

Registration to the language courses of the School of Modern Languages (EIM) of UB for the academic year 2014-2015 is opened until 29 July. Last yearʼs rates are maintained during this first registration period. Then, a second registration will be opened from 2 September to 6 October and rates will be updated.

Registration to EIM's 2014-2015 courses with last year's rates is opened until 29 July.
Registration to EIM's 2014-2015 courses with last year's rates is opened until 29 July.

Registration to the language courses of the School of Modern Languages (EIM) of UB for the academic year 2014-2015 is opened until 29 July. Last yearʼs rates are maintained during this first registration period. Then, a second registration will be opened from 2 September to 6 October and rates will be updated.

Per primera vegada en molts anys, sʼobre un període de matrícula durant el mes de juliol als cursos dʼidiomes de lʼEIM, per tal de donar lʼoportunitat a diversos col·lectius de matricular-se mantenint els preus del curs 2013-2014. Concretament, els col·lectius que poden gaudir dʼaquests preus són: els alumnes del curs 2013-2014 que es matriculen al nivell següent; les persones amb dret a matrícula reduïda que es matriculen als cursos de nivell inicial o dʼintroducció, i les persones amb dret a matrícula reduïda que hagin fet una prova de nivell no anterior a setembre de 2013.

It is the first time in many years that a registration period is opened in July. EIMʼs aims at giving the opportunity to some groups to enjoy 2013-2014 rates for the next academic year. To be exact, the groups that can enjoy special prizes are: 2013-2014 students who continue studying the same language; people who have bonuses to pay rates and join a beginner or introductory course, and people who have bonuses to pay rates and sat the level test in September 2013 or later.

EIM offers the opportunity to learn up to 18 languages: German, English, Danish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish and Chinese. Depending on the language, there are year-long, semestral or summer courses in three different formats: face-to-face, blended and online courses. In the case of English, EIM offers specific courses for official exams such as the Cambridge exams or oral fluency courses.

Information about rates, registration, courses and timetables for the academic year 2014-2015 is available on this link.