The Czech government honours some students of the masterʼs degree in Marketing and Market Research for a project to promote tourism

The project describes the Czech Republic as a “land of history”.
The project describes the Czech Republic as a “land of history”.

Ares Artigot, Evelyn Megias, Paula de Arriba, Josiane Fargialla and Sara Margarit, students of the masterʼs degree in Marketing and Market Research of the Faculty of Economics and Business, won the competition The Czech Republic is cool! The contest is organised by CzechTourism, an institution promoted by the Czech government which gathers public organisations and private companies that work together to promote tourism in the European country. The competition was addressed to students at European universities; they had to design a marketing campaign to promote tourism in the Czech Republic. The group of students from the University of Barcelona developed the award-winning project “Conoce a la Checa”. 

The project describes the Czech Republic as a “land of history”.
The project describes the Czech Republic as a “land of history”.

Ares Artigot, Evelyn Megias, Paula de Arriba, Josiane Fargialla and Sara Margarit, students of the masterʼs degree in Marketing and Market Research of the Faculty of Economics and Business, won the competition The Czech Republic is cool! The contest is organised by CzechTourism, an institution promoted by the Czech government which gathers public organisations and private companies that work together to promote tourism in the European country. The competition was addressed to students at European universities; they had to design a marketing campaign to promote tourism in the Czech Republic. The group of students from the University of Barcelona developed the award-winning project “Conoce a la Checa”. 

The project describes the Czech Republic as a “land of history”, a modern tourist destination, accessible and safe. After creating some focus groups with exchange students and interviewing university students about their preferences when travelling, the group of students designed a marketing and communication campaign based on the promotion of three aspects: the Czech Republic, Praga (they designed several thematic routes and leisure activities) and unknown regions of the country. The prize was conferred within the Prague International Advertising Festival (PIAF).