Students of the University of Barcelona can now access the Virtual Campus through their mobile devices

The app UB Campus Virtual is available on Android and iOS devices.
The app UB Campus Virtual is available on Android and iOS devices.

A new UB app to download on phones allows students of the University of Barcelona entering the Virtual Campus, so that they can have access to their courses, download material or check their grades through their phones. The app UB Campus Virtual is available on Android and iOS devices, and can be downloaded on their respective app stores. To access their accounts, students only need to introduce their Món UB identifier number and password.

The app UB Campus Virtual is available on Android and iOS devices.
The app UB Campus Virtual is available on Android and iOS devices.

A new UB app to download on phones allows students of the University of Barcelona entering the Virtual Campus, so that they can have access to their courses, download material or check their grades through their phones. The app UB Campus Virtual is available on Android and iOS devices, and can be downloaded on their respective app stores. To access their accounts, students only need to introduce their Món UB identifier number and password.

With this app, students will be able to receive notifications from lecturersʼ notices and calendar reminders, as well as the option to participate in online debate forums. This app is an adaptation of Moodle Mobile software, which is used to create courses and websites in the field of education. This software is the same used in UB Virtual Campus, with currently more than 9.000 courses per academic year and around 40.000 daily users.

The UB Virtual Campus app is part of the mobility project of the University of Barcelona, which aims to provide UB with a coherent strategic and unified approach regarding phone apps, having in mind the importance this sector has gained over the last years. Along these lines, a Phone Cell Service Guideline was published. Some of the apps that were launched in the UB fields are UB Qualification notifications, which allows receiving and checking the grades that have been uploaded to your academic record; Gaia Mission, which allows monitoring the mission of Gaia satellite;, an interactive educative tool to assess the ecological state of the rivers; BCN Rocks, to know about geology through the rocks on Barcelonaʼs buildings, and Flood-up, which allows watching and sharing —in real time— flood observations and their effects.

The new UB Virtual Campus app is promoted by the Area of Information and Communication Technologies, the Corporate Image and Marketing Unit and the Learning and Research Resources Centre (CRAI).