Take part in the ʻmannequin challengeʼ against climate change at the Faculty of Biology

The group EcoClima UB wants to promote a higher moral awareness and promoting debate facing the big environmental challenge of the climate change.
The group EcoClima UB wants to promote a higher moral awareness and promoting debate facing the big environmental challenge of the climate change.

Do you know the main agreements of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21)? What could happen with temperatures in Catalonia in 2050? How high could temperatures rise in the planet if nothing is done on time? Which is the worst climate situation scientists are predicting for the future? Promoting a higher moral awareness and promoting debate facing the big environmental challenge of the climate change is the objective of the proposals driven by the group EcoClima UB for all audiences on Monday, February 20, from 11 h onwards, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona.

The group EcoClima UB wants to promote a higher moral awareness and promoting debate facing the big environmental challenge of the climate change.
The group EcoClima UB wants to promote a higher moral awareness and promoting debate facing the big environmental challenge of the climate change.

Do you know the main agreements of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21)? What could happen with temperatures in Catalonia in 2050? How high could temperatures rise in the planet if nothing is done on time? Which is the worst climate situation scientists are predicting for the future? Promoting a higher moral awareness and promoting debate facing the big environmental challenge of the climate change is the objective of the proposals driven by the group EcoClima UB for all audiences on Monday, February 20, from 11 h onwards, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona.


How will climate change affect Catalonia?

More and more extreme temperatures, heat waves, lower index of rain and changes in the littoral area due to the sea level rise are some of the phenomena explained in the Third report on climate change in Catalonia (TICCC), to be presented at the Aula Magna (11 h) by David Saurí, professor at the UAB and member of the committee that created this reference publication. The event will be chaired by Gustavo Llorente, Dean of the Faculty of Biology, and Narcís Prat, professor from the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences and Head of the Research Group Freshwater Ecology and Management (FEM) of the University of Barcelona.   

This report gathers lots of scientific research on climate change which has been carried out in Catalonia, and has been coordinated by Professor Javier Martín Vide, Head of the Water Research Institute of the University of Barcelona. Created by 140 authors and forty supervisors coming from the main universities and research centers of the country, the document describes the main evidences of climate change in Catalonia and it formulates strategic recommendations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt natural and human systems to the effects of climate change.  

Join a mannequin challenge against climate change

All the audience in Aula Magna are invited to take part in the mannequin challenge against climate change, which will take place at 13 h. Therefore, people should wear sweaters in different colors (white, light green, light blue, dark blue, dark green, yellow and red) to simulate a temperature gradient. With this activity, full of color and symbolism, the Faculty of Biology wants to join actions of social mobilization against climate change at a global scale. To participate in the activity, please contact EcoClima UB on their site, Facebook or email.  

EcoClima UB: ideas, actions and social sensitivity

The activity program is an initiative by EcoClima UB, a group created by students and lecturers of the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences of the University of Barcelona to share the environmental problems created by climate change. EcoClima UB members promote different activities to share the agreements and action guidelines set in COP21 -a world reference in the fight against climate change held in Paris in 2015- and in general, to make people aware of the social changes to be promoted in order to face this environmental challenge.

The activities by EcoClima UB will continue during May with new proposals of open activities for the audience interested in the environmental problems of the planet.

Further information about the activity here.