
“Intergenerational transfers and ageing in Spain, an analysis from 1970 to the present” – Report 2


The Centro Internacional sobre el Envejecimiento has published on his website the information on the follow-up report of the investigation on the “Intergenerational transfers and agein in Spain, an analysis from 1970 to the present” This research is carried out by  the researcher from the Xarxa de Referència d’Economia i Polítiques Públiques, Guadalupe Souto Nieves (GEPP).


National Transfer Accounts in Spain 1900-70 (Part II)


El Centro Internacional sobre el Envejecimiento has published has published on his website the information on the follow-up report of the investigation onthe National Transfer Accounts in Spain 1900-70 (Part II). This research is carried out by researchers from the Xarxa de Referencia d’Economia i Polítiques Públiques and from different research groups: Concepció Patxot Cardoner […]


8th PdD-Student Worksop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE)


CREIP will host the 8th PhD Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE) in Reus (Tarragona, Spain) on 6-7 February 2020. WIPE aims to be an academic meeting where PhD students to interact with other young scholars, postdoc, and senior researchers to exchange experiences, research ideas, ongoing projects and future research activities in the fields […]

At 0:00
Sala de Graus. Faculty of Economics. Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Reus. Spain

L’escalfament global a debat a Barcelona


Jordi Roca i Enric Tello, investigadors de la XREPP, formen part del mig centenar d'esperts que s'uneixen per alertar la falta d'iniciativa i acció del govern enfront dels efectes de l'escalfament global.

At 9:00
Espai Públic Veïnal Calàbria 66, Barcelona

Entitat Gestora:

Entitat Gestora: