The social environment of the individual plays a key role on her/his obesity

Athina Raftopoulou is a PhD candidate at UBeconomics.




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The social environment of the individual plays a key role on her/his Body Mass Index and her/his chances of being obese. Lack of green spaces affects negatively all individuals, and criminality affects negatively mostly women. These conclusions impact on the way public policies on Health and Urban Planning are decided, but also on the way individuals should choose where to live in order to lead a healthier life.

These are some of the main conclusions of the article that XREPP and CAEPS member, Athina Raftopoulou has published in the high-impact journal Economics & Human Biology.

Athina Raftopoulou holds a MSc in Applied Economics and Data Analysis at University of Patras and is a PhD candidate at UBeconomics. Her thesis supervisor is an expert in Public and Health Economics, Prof. Joan Gil-Trasfí. The Centre for Economic Analysis and Social Policies (CAEPS) supports her research. Athina was the pilot PhD candidate in financing her research through a succesful Verkami project that was designed to finance this and future research.

Link to the Paper.


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