MD70D - Ciència i Tecnologia Quàntiques / Quantum Science and Technology
Període 1
Curs acadèmic 2024 / 2025

Informació específica del procés:

Informació addicional:
Required documentation:

1. Academic transcript
2. Curriculum Vitae in English
3. Written motivation letter (max. 1 page)
4. References (up to three)
5. DNI, NIE or passport photocopy.
6. The degree certificate title if you have finished your degree (in Catalan, Spanish or English).

Selection criteria

Of the qualifications that grant access to the master's programme the following give priority access:

1. Bachelor's degree in Physics or Physical Engineering
Holders of degrees in other subject areas should seek specific authorization from the Coordination Committee.

Resolution of admissions takes into account the individual profile of each applicant. The Coordination Committee considers each application on the basis of the following merits:

a) Academic record (50%)
b) Curriculum vitae and letters of recommendation (20%), with particular attention to prices, research experience and international experience.
c) English level above the minimum (B2) with official certificate (10%), append it to your cv.
d) Statement of interest (20%)

Notifications relating to the admission process will be sent by email. These will specify the documentation required to complete registration and the procedure to be followed, especially for students from abroad.

The Master's Degree Committee is responsible for the selection process. Applicants shall be notified of the decision.