Being the Other: Race, Gender and Sexual Desidence in the Spanish Golden Century

Facultat de Geografia, Historia i Filosofia
On 4 October, as part of the course Gender and History of the Bachelor's Degree in History at the UB, the lecture ‘BEING THE “OTHER”- BEING THE OTHER’ will be given by Nicholas R. Jones, researcher and professor at Yale University (United States). The conference will be entirely in Spanish.
The author who will accompany us is a specialist in the presence of black characters in Spanish literature of the Golden Age. His research shows that there has been a profound silence on the compelling literary construction and cultural codification of these characters of African origin. In his latest book ‘Cervantine Blackness’, Nicholas R. Jones reconsiders in what sense black subjects possess an inherent value within the cultural realm and literary corpus, especially that of the author Miguel de Cervantes.
Nicholas R. Jones is an assistant professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Yale University. He is the author of the award-winning Staging Hablar de Negros: Radical Performances of the African Diaspora in Early Moderno Spain published by Penn StateUniversity Press, and co-editor of Early Moderno Black Diaspora Studies: A Critical Anthology and Pornographic Sensibilities: Imagining Sex and the Visceral in premodern and Early Moderno Spanish Cultural Production.