Persecution, resistance and homophobia: a look at the LGBTIQ+ collective from Social Sciences

Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
Carrer Aribau, 2, 5è pis
08011 Barcelona
The workshop ‘Persecution, resistance and homophobia: a look at the LGBTIQ+ community from Social Sciences’ will take place on Friday 14 June, from 4 to 7 p.m., in the Faculty of Philology and Communication of the University of Barcelona. There will be three presentations: the first, by Juan Pedro Navarro Martínez (Postdoctoral Researcher JDLC-UB), will deal with sexual practices and dissidence that were persecuted during the Ancient Régime; in the second, Sergio Fuentes Milà (PhD in Art History from the UB) will focus on the transformation of Saint Sebastian into a homosexual icon after he was martyred; and finally, Anna Cristòbal Lécina (Professor of Catalan Language and Literature IRL-UAH) will analyse the poetics of embarrassment through certain terms that are (not) used and their intentionality.