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Third International Congress "Género y sexualidad en las culturas hispánicas": Memorias, espacios y disidencias

CFP 15 Feb. 2021 // CONGRESS 12-14 Apr. 2021
Facultat de lletres - Universitat de Lleida
CFP (565.76 KB)

Final Program and Attendance

To be announced.


Call for Papers

The research project “Memorias de las masculinidades disidentes en España e Hispanoamérica” (PID2019-106083GB-I00) has as a main goal to investigate about works either explicitly or implicitly "autobiographical" around the construction of masculinity and created by people who express their sexual or gender dissidence (more specifically, by gay men and trans women). Its corpus focuses on literary, artistic and audiovisual creation from Spain and Spanish America throughout the 20th century and up to the present. 

With this goal in mind, this project includes analyses of a wide range of creators and witnesses so as to better comprehend the individual, collective, geographical and generational evolution of "non-normative masculinity" from a wide typology of "selfdocuments" including interviews, chronicles, letters, paintings, films and autobiographical fictions, among others. This interdisciplinary and comparative project attempts to link the spheres of historical evolution and cultural production so as to analyse self-representation by such minorities as peojections of the profound changes around masculinity in the contemporary era. 

"Spatiality" is one of the central concepts of this research and innovation project since, to give but one examples, sociability spaces have been essencial for the self-recognition of gender and sex non-conforming people. Such spaces are created through their interaction with their immediate physical entourning as well as with human interaction, so that their status can be momentarily modifies. Thus, this project digs into temporal frames but also into real and symbolic spaces, geographies of desire, utopies, "heterotopias" (Foucault) or "social spaces" (Lefebvre).


Specifications for proposals / abstracts (please attach 1 document in Word format):

- Presentation Title / Name of the Speaker / Host University / ORCID
- Length: 250-300 words
- 3-5 works cited (primary and/or secondary sources)
- Any proposals not including all the requested information will be rejected.

-This congress will host no more than 25 speakers for 30-minute presentations.

CFP Deadline: by February 15, 2021, please send proposals to <>
Acceptance of Proposals: by March 1, 2021.

Free Inscription.


Image © Raúl García Sangrador, Ensayo anatómico, óleo sobre tela, 100 x 150 cm, 2009.

Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez (Presidencia),
Juan Martínez Gil,
Jorge Luis Peralta
Nerea Aresti,
Javier Maristany,
Enrique Álvarez
Universitat de Lleida;
ADHUC-Recerca, Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat / Càtedra UNESCO Dones;
“Memorias de las masculinidades disidentes en España e Hispanoamérica” (PID2019-106083GB-I00);
Grup de Recerca Consolidat Creació i pensament de les dones (2021 SGR 01097)