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A narrativa galega diante dos desafíos do s. XXI

Monday November 2, 2015 from 12h30 to 14h
Sala del Professorat, Edifici Josep Carner, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, c/ Aribau 2, 5è pis - 08007 Barcelona
Info (191.08 KB)

What determinants and what consequences does the boom of Galician women writers of the beginning of the century have? Can we talk of a "trend of women writers" in Galicia? How are gender (in)visibility and sexuality negotiated? In which ways are crime fiction and thriller renewed? Dolores Vilavedra (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), specialist in contemporary Galician literature, will raise these questions using her own analysis of the most recent production as a cue in the symposium entitled "A narrativa galega diante dos desafíos do s. XXI". This symposium is held as part of the activities of the research project "Theory of emotions and gender in twenty-first century popular culture". Attendance is free. 

Dolores Vilavedra
Centre Dona i Literatura;
Estudis Gallecs i Portuguesos, UB;
Minor en Estudis Gallecs, UAB