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El món que necessitem / The World We Need

Barcelona: CCCB
ISBN 978-84-09-11101-5


«Pensar quin món necessitem implica per força qüestionar-nos com a espècie i descartar tot allò que ens ha fet pensar que el planeta era només per a nosaltres. I obre la porta, també, a aprendre de la crisi del present per mirar de construir un futur.»


«To think about the world we need necessarily implies to question ourselves as a species and to discard everything that has made us think that the planet was only for us. And it opens the door, too, to learn from the present crisis and to look at building the future.»



«Sóc del parer que la necessitat de cometre errors inexcusables i perdonar-nos els uns als altres, la necessitat d’arriscar-nos en els àmbits del pensament polític, intel·lectual, emocional i religiós, i a la vida, no ha sigut mai tan urgent com ara.»


«I am of the opinion that the need to make inexcusable mistakes and to forgive each other, the need to take risks in the spheres of political, intellectual, emotional and religious thinking, and in life, has never been as urgent as it is now.»