Egyptian vulture chicks equipped with GPS transmitters

Within the framework of the project "Application of new technologies to know the effects of global and local change in the Iberian populations of Egyptian vulture. Applications for conservation" three Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus nestlings, a globally...

Balance of reproduction in Egyptian vulture 2017

L’any 2017 s’ha consolidat com el sisè any de seguiment de la població d’aufrany a la Catalunya central i oriental (comarques de l’Anoia, Vallès Occidental, Bages, Berguedà, Solsonès, Osona, Ripollès i Garrotxa) per part de l’Equip de Biologia de la...

Monograph on mitigation of bird electrocution

The Conservation Biology Group is pleased to present you the publication 'El águila perdicera en Cataluña: de la amenaza a la conservación' edited in collaboration with the electricity company Endesa, available to download: pdf (in Spanish) The publication describes...

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