We are looking for highly motivated candidates interested in the conservation of raptors. You would be studying the demography, movement, food webs and conservation of Egyptian and Griffon vultures or Eagle Owl.
Two PhD projects are proposed. The main goal of these two PhD are to evaluate how the new environmental scenarios affect the population of raptors, using as a subject of study either a predatory bird, Eagle owl, or two scavenger species, the Egyptian and Griffon vultures. The study will address the availability and use of different food sources, foraging strategies and the exposure to threats, including toxics. In addition, the PhD will be addressing how the environmental changes affect the population dynamics of the target species and obtain information applicable to its conservation.
Tasks will be including: 1) Field work: monitoring, capture, tagging and sampling bird individuals; 2) data analysis; 3) laboratory analysis: analysis of stable isotopes, toxicity analysis and genetics; 4) statistical analysis: movement-based kernel density methods, mixed Bayesian models, integrated population models; 5) writing reports and research articles.
Successful candidates will be joining the Conservation Research group at Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals de la Facultat de Biologia-IRBIO with a team of Professors, Post-doc researchers, PhD researchers, among others and close collaboration with other international research groups.
We are looking for highly motivated, proactive and hard worker graduates in Biology or Environmental Sciences who hold a MSc. Only candidates with very good academic record will be considered. Previous research experience in ornithology, knowledge of laboratory techniques, statistics and fluency in English will be positively considered.
PhD supervisors: Dr. Joan Real Ortí, Dr. Santi Mañosa Rifé and Dr. Antonio Hernández-Matías.
If you are interested, please send us your Curriculum vitae, letter of motivation and your academic grades to bio.conserv.ub@gmail.com
Equip Biologia de la Conservació
Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals
Facultat de Biologia. Universitat de Barcelona
Diagonal, 643
08028 Barcelona