Habitat management and conservation

A habitat is a fragment of the biosphere subject to a certain set of ecological factors. In the case of the habitats of species and their populations, though, they are defined as the kind of natural environment in which they live and find the right conditions for living and reproduction. Thus, habitats have an intrinsic conservation value that is translated into some conservation policies, such as the Habitats Directive (Directives 92/43/CEE and 97/62/UE), which describes the habitats found in the European Union and designates Habitats of Community Interest and Priority Habitats, depending on the conservation concern. On the other hand, both plants and animals are strongly linked to particular habitats, since they are an essential component (dominant and representative plants) or they find the right conditions (plants and animals) to develop their life cycle.

Therefore, adequate knowledge, conservation and managements of habitats is essential for conservation of the biodiversity they hold. Thus, we collaborate with public organisms and private landowners, responsible for habitat management and conservation, as well as with other stakeholders, to implement habitat management and conservation actions based on solid scientific knowledge provided by scientific research.

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