Minor chair Labour Integration of People with Disabilities
University of Barcelona | ADECCO Foundation
The University of Barcelona and the Adecco Foundation signed a collaboration agreement in 2012 to promote a Research Chair in which the strategies of corporate social responsibility and human resource management in terms of labour integration of people with disabilities are addressed.
The fundamental objective of the ''UB Chair - Adecco Foundation for the labour integration of people with disabilities'' is to analyse and evaluate the labour integration process of people with disabilities and the role that companies play on this process through their policies, corporate responsibility and human resources management.
This analysis aims to detect those barriers, specific problems and dysfunctionalities of the process which make it difficult for people with disabilities to integrate into the labour market. Based on this detection, strategies and solutions will be provided to eliminate or reduce these barriers and incorporate people with disabilities into the labour market under equal conditions.
Barriers and facilitators of Human Resources Policies and Practices to Promote Hiring and Retention of Employees with Disabilities: A Systematic Review
Validation of an attitude questionnaire towards disabilities in the work context. Caracterizing favorable and obstructive employees
Axes of action
- Promote research in the field of Labor Integration of People with Disabilities.
- Maintain and develop different research programs related to the Labor Integration of People with Disabilities Encourage scientific debate through the organization and conduct of courses, seminars and workshops.
- Promote the creation of collaboration networks with public and private companies, foundations, universities and research centers.
- Encourage teamwork with different professionals and with the contribution of visiting teachers related to the activity of the Chair. Publication of research papers in scientific and popular journals.
- Transfer knowledge in the field of Integration of People with Disabilities to different institutions, entities and companies, as well as to society in general.
Cathedra Chair for the Labour Integration of People with Disabilities
University of Barcelona | ADECCO Foundation